If you are using MindMapping occasionally, check out the following web application: http://bubbl.us/
It allows you to create diagrams in mindmapping style, all in your browser. If you want to save your work, you need to register.
The future of Training is Learning
If you are using MindMapping occasionally, check out the following web application: http://bubbl.us/
It allows you to create diagrams in mindmapping style, all in your browser. If you want to save your work, you need to register.
The Tag Cloud web part is part of the Community Kit for SharePoint initiative.
Other community features are in development: chat box, enhanced blog and wiki template, taxonomy tagging…
It seems that by default, SharePoint lists linked to Excel only sync one way if you are using Excel 2007. If you are using Excel 2003, they sync two-way.
Reason for this? Access 2007 is now the favorite “off line client” for SharePoint lists.
If you install an add-in for Excel 2007, lists can again be synced two-way.
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb462636(office.11).aspx
• tilde (~)
• number sign (#)
• percent (%)
• ampersand (&)
• asterisk (*)
• braces ({ })
• backslash (\)
• colon (:)
• angle brackets (< >)
• question mark (?)
• slash (/)
• plus sign (+)
• pipe (|)
• quotation mark (“)