Did you ever think about the huge amount of electric power all our computers consume? Pierre showed me this link:
Makes you think, doesn’t it?
The future of Training is Learning
Did you ever think about the huge amount of electric power all our computers consume? Pierre showed me this link:
Makes you think, doesn’t it?
Colligo Contributor 2.1 currently has difficulties synchonizing document libraries that have content types with “Linked” templates. We use this on the intranet, the templates are stored in a separate library on a separate site, and every content type has a reference to the library.
This is the response of Colligo tech support:
Hi Jan,
Yes indeed, a template situated in outside URL will cause a synchronization error in Contributor. In order to avoid this issue, you will need to use a URL that refers to the same site as the library with the content type. You can setup a document library with templates in it and content type on the same site can have these templates referenced as a URL.
Not a solution in our case… We will probably change the way our templates are stored (upload them directly with the content type) so that we can still use Contributor. A great tool!
The Tag Cloud web part is part of the Community Kit for SharePoint initiative.
Other community features are in development: chat box, enhanced blog and wiki template, taxonomy tagging…
It seems that by default, SharePoint lists linked to Excel only sync one way if you are using Excel 2007. If you are using Excel 2003, they sync two-way.
Reason for this? Access 2007 is now the favorite “off line client” for SharePoint lists.
If you install an add-in for Excel 2007, lists can again be synced two-way.
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb462636(office.11).aspx