Like every year, Jane Hart of the Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies is inviting learning professionals to list their top 10 learning tools. These are mine for this year:
- Twitter: the best way to generate your own “information streams” about various subjects
- SharePoint 2010: Microsoft’s enterprise collaboration platform. Fan of the “My Sites”, that allow you to create your own “portfolio”
- Adobe Captivate: by far the best e-learning development tool of the moment. Looking forward to the future HTML output
- Diigo: social bookmarking tool that replaced my delicious account
- Tweetdeck: invaluable for organizing my twitter stream. Like the fact that it is cross-platform
- Google Reader: allows me to follow more than 400 websites or other information sources (RSS) in one single web-based application
- Feeddler Pro: iPad app that connects to your Google Reader account and displays your RSS feeds on iPad
- Microsoft OneNote: the best note-taking application on the Windows platform. Unbeatable in combination with SharePoint and a tablet pc. If only they would release the iPad app in Europe…
- Office 365: brings the power of Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Lync to your home network
- WordPress: one of the most user friendly blogging platforms